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I don't know how to make a Letter Story
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* Purpose of Letter Story

Letter Story

by: Imani Muhammad



       It was a dark evening on October 30th when I was sent to Mr. and Mrs. Raven’s home. I was there for a visit. They were old neighbors for older people. They watched me grow up and took care of me when I was an enfant. They were happy people. Mrs. Raven was a housewife and told stories about her nine children and five grandchildren. While Mr. Raven would lecture me about school and labor. Work was everything to him. He had strong voice for a tender old man. When they moved away it was sad I had missed them. But I would call and send pictures through the mail as often as I could. Luckily they left when I was old enough to not need a babysitter. It had been about two years since of seen them in person; and when they told me I could come and visit I immediately told my boyfriend Eric. Then, when I told my mom she was so happy she packed my bags for me. Then I insisted Eric come with because they were part family!

     So there I was outside of my home along with Eric With a bag leaning over my back packed for a seven days and a six night visit. Through the letter they sent me as my invitation to their home their was a list of rules. My first thought was why? Then my second thought was this is strange. Therefore I went ahead and read the letter and there it said.

     Dear Ema,

We are glad to finally invite you to our home Frank and I are very excited to see you and your new friend. We will discuss boys when you're here.  But I’m not pleased to introduce you to a list of rules that we have for our home.

  • Services will pick you up October 30th at ten o’clock

  • Please don’t cook, clean, or walk around the house passed twelve o’clock  

  • The basement is cold and we have mice please don’t go down

  • Don’t open or look at pictures or frames…

  • You can not leave until you are scheduled to go

P.S guest rooms are not that hard to find!

             Thank you Love,

                         Danny-Jane Raven


I showed the letter to Eric and he immediately rebelled!

“Come on man, passed twelve o’clock, what are we supposed to do? go to bed like little kids”

I looked up at him in wonder and thought we are teenages and we don’t go to bed at midnight.

“I’ll talk them and confront your opinion later. I hope they’ll understand.”

I folded the letter to fit my back pocket and looked down at the road where I waited. There was nothing but darkness. Then slowly as I stared there was something moving in the darkness. Like a moving car. As it showed itself it was not only a moving car but a moving limo! A very dark and black limo that stopped in front of Eric and I!  

      “ Is the Mr. Gon and Mrs. Lee?” The driver asked

       “ Yes/” Eric and I replied at the sametime with suspicion

The driver then got out of the car and opened the door for the both of us. He was a talk, stark, pale as paper man, and his lips were red like blood. He looked like a vampire.

   Me and Eric hesitated to get in  sculling the funny looking driver. The ride was quiet and smooth pace as me and Eric didn’t speak. The area including the limo began to get darker and darker. Where did they live? I thought to myself.

   I looked at the address on the letter, It read,

              6299 E. Ravenswood Blvd. 6702

Ravenswood for the Ravens family how ironic. I thought.

The drive was an hour and we got there around eleven o’clock! The limo stopped in front of an ancient, large, castle like mansion.

“ Is this 6299 E. Ravenswood?” I asked the driver


I hesitate to get out of the car but when I did I saw how enormous the house was. I turn to see Eric and he had frozen to. I looked down at my phone with the intention to call my mom and let her know that I’m safe but there was no service for my phone in the area. I looked up and around the area in confusion. Mr. and Mrs. Raven went from an ordinary home to a dark, castle like mansion. Why?

Eric and I walked before the door and it had a dragon face knocker.

“Okay. I don't know about you but  this is some for real scary movie shit! Like how do old people move around in a house this big.”

I laughed. “ Who knows.”

I place my hand on the knocker and when my arm leans on the door it creaks open.

I stood there in  a frozen along with Eric and we both turned heads at each other in shock.

Should I really go in? I thought to myself but I took my chances and step my foot into the home.

There I saw a long hall with brown title and pictures on a wall over a fireplace. The walls were a haunted green and there were steps going upward. While on the side walls there were burning candles.

“Hello…” I called “ Mr and Mrs. Raven?

I turned around to see if Eric was still with me. I saw Eric looking around through pictures and photographies.  

“Eric… that’s breaking the rules.”  I said as I snached the book out of his hand and put it back on the shelf.

“Okay.. you don’t have to be so mean about it..” He said with an over exaggerated voice  

Then out of the darkness in another hallway I heard a kick metronome of stopping into the title floor. Like running and I heard a child’s laugh.

“WOAH! What was that?” Eric cried

“ I don’t know.”

I looked cautiously all around me and was curious about about stairs. “ Mrs. Raven” I called

“Are you really going upstairs? Wait… wait how about we just leave?”   

I was speaking in mumbles so quiet it's only for my hearing but I’m speaking out loud.

“ The rules told us to leave when time. My voice much louder “ hey let’s go upstairs.”

By the time I was up the stairs there were three rooms lined up relatively in the same order along a wide wall. I quietly opened one of the room doors to peek in.

“ I think their sleep.” I whispered to Eric  

I turned around and saw Eric wasn’t behind me. But as I walk around I discover he was in the restroom twisting his hair.

“ You think their sleep.”

“ Yeah. I responded “ I think it’s time we go to sleep too.”

“What time is it?”

I pull out my phone to check the time. My service is still no on.

“ It’s 12:30” I continued

Me and Eric both jump and I pull out the letter again.

Please do not cook,clean, or stay up past 12:00

“It’s probably just their bed time” Eric said nonchalantly

“ Come on let's go to sleep.”   

Eric and I had found a bedroom directly across from Mr and Mrs. Raven’s room. As we entered it was a large bed with a dark pattern on it. Along with a mirror, dresser, and a shelves full of books.

While I was investigating the plain looking room. My thoughts were interrupted when Eric came into the room and sat hard on the bed.

“ No. Television. Lord these people.”  

I laughed “ Stop complaining

“Stop Complaining.” He repeats

“ Well I’m going to go change, if you don’t mind.” I said as I was walking out the room

In the bathroom now I slowly take off all my clothes. Then put on my flimsy shirt  along with my shorts. My body was more comfortable now that I was out of my skinny jeans and sweater. Then I wrap my hair up into bonnet and I leave the bathroom I turn off the light. There was a purple hollow glow lighting up the dark, It was night light plugged into the wall. When I looked into the mirror for the last time I saw that their was a dark figure of a boy.

The image startled me and I turned on the light again. The night light went off and the showdown was gone. As I took a deep breathe and damped my face with water.

“HEY!!” Something yelled I jumped and when turned around it was Eric standing in the doorway.

“ You okay?”  He asked in concern “ I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“ No. I’m fine.”

As we both leave the bathroom together I turn off the light once more. Nothing.

Maybe it was just my imagination I thought to myself

The room was warm and stuffy. I opened the window to let in some air before I got in the bed. When I sit on the bed the mattress feels baggy and moves a lot but it was comfortable.  Me and Eric lay down together and at a slow steady pace our breathing slows down and we both fell asleep.

It was October 31st at 3:30 in the morning when I woke up to wind blowing and trees banging against the window. I looked out the window and there it was; a storm. Hallowing and making the room very chilly. I get up and quickly run to the window to close it and then run back into the bed to warm my body. I squeeze my body against Eric’s and squeeze my cold feet between his legs. His so warm I thought. As my body was beginning to warm up. I look over to Eric wishing I was him. Sleeping and warm. I growl in jealousy. Then I wanted him to wake up so I wouldn’t feel so alone.

I turn completely to face him and begin to whisper ‘Wake up… Wake up.”

He didn’t buch and if it were me I would’ve either. I just tried to go to sleep leaning on his chest.

Only within 10 minutes of sleep. I woke up again to a loud noise of stomping it sounded like a kid running up the stairs laughing. My heart started beating.  

Old people aren’t supposed to run up the stairs that fast.

I get out of bed in frustration and look out my rooms doorway.  

The bedroom for Mr and Mrs. Raven was cracked open. It wasn’t like that before I thought and just when I thought to close it myself and walk toward the door. It shuts and closes on it own. I jumped. Did that really happen? I turn away from the door and jog back to my room and stare at the door from my doorway. I tried to be reasonable…

Maybe it was just the wind!

I shrug my shoulders and rehearsed in my head it was nothing. As I snuggled against Eric and the sheets again by the basement. I could tell that he had awaken as he wraps his arm over my waist to pull me closer towards him as his breathing is soft on my neck. I turn to his face and see his eyes pretending to be closed.

Out of boredom I wrap my lips around his warm burning lips. Almost stinging. As he softly kisses me back in fatigue and with that gesture I went to sleep.

Later at a reasonable time to wake up on the same day was pretty unexpected. When I completely wake up the sky was grey and damp trees were flying everywhere. As in it was still storming. I turn over to the opposite side of the bed and Eric was nowhere in sight.  

I get out of bed and run quickly down the steps in search for him. At this point my heart is in my stomach. When I was downstairs I find a empty creepy looking living room. Then begin to walk around the house wondering if anyone was home.  

As I find the kitchen I see Mrs.Raven and Eric sitting at the table talking!

“ Aww dear.” She greets me “ I’m sorry about our miss encounter yesterday. Me and Frank were very tired.”

I give Mrs. Raven a hug. “ It’s alright Mrs. Raven; Eric and I understand.”

“ Now!” She screams “ Let’s get to it.” She puts on a apron and takes out a gallon of milk.

Then suddenly pauses with frozen eyes as me and Eric stare in confusion.  

“ Well!” She began to laugh “ You don’t think we’ll sit in the house and do nothing. C’mon Eric get the eggs. Ema get the sugar. Let’s bake!”

As she says it. BOOM! The thunder sings.

“ Well.. well. We’ll start with the sun in our hearts.”

It was times like these I cherished most about Mrs. Raven. On a grey day she knows how to lighten up one soul.

As we were baking  she told stories about her childhood. It was an evening to remember.

We baked cookies, a cake, cupcakes, muffins all in one in different flavors. Which brought me to a question…

“ What is up with the rules.”

When I asked the question Mrs. Raven froze again and stared in space as if she were staring at someone. The moment was so quick you could hardly notice.    

“ Nothing dear. It’s just what we have to do for my sake, as  I am an older lady now.”

I stared her gestures and then glanced at Eric who was watching to. She wasn’t being honest about something; that is what I picked up on.

She turned her back from us and begin munching icing.

“ Come on! Don’t be lazy.”

Me and Eric began working again and during our baking session a voice so loud and deep it rang through the kitchen.

“ I smell goodies and little people to.”

All of us jumped.

“ Aww Frank!” Mrs. Raven cried “ I’m sure you remember Ema.”

“ Who?” He asked as if he couldn’t hear

“ EMA!” Mrs. Raven repeated louder.

“ Aw. Frank.” She called with a stern serious voice and turned on his hearing aid.”


Then he looks up at me and recognizes “ Awe look.” He paused “ What a girl who grew up. Give me a hug.”

I was delighted as I thought for moment he forgot about me . Then he steps back and his gaze turns to Eric.

“ Well. Who is this Nutshell?”

“ Umm. This is my boyfriend Eric.” I introduced

He stared at Eric bent over in my normal body position with a happy over his back and said.

“ You better be good to my girl mister and you look like a good fella.” He looked to me “ His harmless.”

Eric nodded with a mixture of nervousness and understanding. “ Yes. sir.” He said when the words finally spilled out.

“ Well. I’m off to sleep again. Call me when the food is done.” He growled and walked away.

My smile never faded when he left. I guess no one really understood how happy I was right now.

When we were all done baking all four of us sat at a small table in the kitchen to eat. The goodies we made were wonderful and as we ate I was thinking about my mom and my thoughts reminded me to call my mother.

“ Mrs.Raven is their a telephone around here?”

“ Aw yes.” She pointed directly behind her. “Right there on the wall.”

I went to the phone and put in my mothers number my heart was racing in excitement when I heard it ring but then it went to voicemail and my hopes were down again. But I left a message anyway! “ Hey mom it’s Ema sorry I didn’t call yesterday their was no service But I’m calling you to let you know I’m safe, The Ravens Family is safe, and Eric is safe and we are all fine. Please call this number back. Love you.”

As I walk back to the table Mrs. Raven skulls me as I sit down.

“ What?” I asked

“ This is an older home. We don’t have televisions and those flip things in your hands all the time. There is a reason why I write you letters.”

I look up in confusion and remember… “ Awe… I will write a letter soon.”

I dig my teeth back into my muffin and enjoy the afternoon.

That evening was very quiet as there was no radio or television just reading and books.  Luckily I was smart to have brought my own book. While Eric had brought his MP3 player and sat back on the couch listening to music. As Mrs. Raven sat in a chair with her feet up knitting and Mr. Raven which was reading the Newspaper. It was at that moment Mrs.Raven throws her knitting down on the floor. Which startles me and Eric. She began to yell in panic as she was looking up at something in front of her. She was shaking and put herself in a ball trying to hide away from what she was seeing. I turn around to see Mr. Raven just sit there not reacting or even aware of what is going on around him.

“ Are you okay, Mrs.Raven?” I asked as she was still having her tantrum

“ No! No! No!”  She kept kicking and screaming at the top of her lungs

“ What’s wrong?” Eric asked “What are you seeing?”

My heart was racing as I did not know what to do. Then suddenly she stops.

“ Awh! I’m sorry dear.” She gets up like a robot and continues her knitting like nothing happened.

Me and Eric were confused. But as this disturbing moment we both have the idea to settle and reflect in our bedroom.

“ What the hell was that?” I announce in fear

“ I don’t know? Has she ever done something like that before.”

“ No, not that I can remember you don’t think it’s the house do you?”   

Eric freezes and stares at me for a second “well it isn’t haunted.”

On that note we both go back downstairs and there they sat doing the same thing as they did when we left. Eric interrupts the peace with a question. “ Can you tell us about the new home.”

Mr and Mrs. Raven look up from their activities almost at the sametime.

“ Well...I have to say it’s been interesting times… Odd times… Slow.” Mrs. Raven replied

“ Any stories you would like to share.” Eric asked

“ Naw.” She snagged her voice. It was a lie I knew. Me and Eric glance at each other that’s odd.

“ Well, their was a story… but I didn’t want to tell because  it would scare you…”

Me and Eric lean it “what?”

“ Well.. there were seven people leaving in the house years before we moved  The family itself made a lot of money and the parents children basically grew up here.  There were two girls and three boys lovely children.” She said as if she knew those children “ Until there was an accident in this home. Murder. They never found the bodies and of course kids would spread rumors of course it's a haunted house!!  the kids are stuffed in the basement in  a locked freezer for the rats to snarl at their bodies. Or buried underneath the house as the house is on top of a cemetery.” She said the last part with a laugh.

While I tried not to panic I was constantly thinking. Why move into a house where there was murder?  

Later that day came the night and my immediate thoughts told me. “Let’s go downstairs.” I suggested to Eric while we were both upstairs in our room it was 9:00 in the evening and to me it was perfect timing.

“ No Ema No it’s just a story.”  

“ A story? You don’t think the stuff we saw yesterday, today, even the stuff she told us brings some suspicious.”

“ Now I see if it was today? But what happened yesterday?”

“ The little girl stomping and running through the house laughing. You saw her once but I saw her twice.”

“ You have no idea how your sounding right now do you? Plus we didn’t see her...we heard things the sound could’ve been for anywhere.”

“ Do you have any idea how your sounding.. Your begin in denial. I mean think about it who moves into to a house if you know people died here. I could see if she didn’t know about it but she knows about it and she's still here.”

“ What? Their Elderly people the government probably put them here for health benefits or something you’ll never know.”

“ Health benefit? Like what?”

“Mental health. I strongly believe it's not the house at all. I think they see things and it’s making them go crazy.”

“ I’ve been with the Ravens for about my entire life. I’ve never seen them act like that before. Which makes me think it’s something in here.”

“ So you're suggesting that their are dead spirits running around the house and their seeing them.”

“ Yes.”

“ Your crazy.”

“ You're crazy for telling someone who really knows them that they have mental problem.”

“ Well we need more evidence to prove that their dead people running in spirit around the house and they see them. Otherwise it’s just your imagination and they really have mental problems.”

“ Okay deal. But evidence like what?

“Evidence that proves any of the story Mrs. Raven told us is true.”     

“ This is where your wrong… There is nothing more evident or hidden documentation than in a basement.”  

“ No, in order to go downstairs I need a reason to suspect why there are dead bodies in the basement.”

I moan in irritation and gave up arguing.

“ Well I’m going to take a shower.”

I go to the bathroom and before I go I remember what happened last night and the flashback made me shiver.

“ Eric…” I called “Eric.”  

“ Mhmmm.”

“ Take a shower a with me.”

“ Okay.”

We proceed to take our clothes off and as we begin to get in the shower the water starts off really hot then cools down.

While we are in the shower we look at each other as the water drips down from both bodies. Then Eric bends down to kiss me with a sudden squeeze.

“ Why are you staring.” I asked nonchalantly

“ You're very beautiful.”

My warm with toward his face so close you could feel my smile. I kissed him again.

“ Here.” I commanded “wash me up..”

As he grabbed the soap and rug he rubbed the elements together and placed it on my body grubbing gently. I could feel the soap dripping to my legs and their he was grubbing my legs to my between legs. My arms to my underarms my neck. Down down till my belly even my cleavage and the moist part of my cleavage. The soap was swelling with the steam. After he was done placing the soap on my body I started to rinse. Then did the same process for him. When he started rinsing he began putting his hair in the water. I grabbed the Men’s Shampoo he brought in the bathroom and washed his hair. The smell was like a puget colon and the smell filled up the whole bathroom. I started merging all the soaps together and they became to fuzz. When that was done I placed his hair under the water as his face was soaking down with water and shampoo soap.  

“ You should wash your hair?” He said like an suggestion to me.

“ I don’t have a blow drier.”

“ I have one in my bag.” He said while taking off my shower cap

I placed my hair in the water and began to rinse I used his shampoo and  began placing the shampoo between my roots then I placed some shampoo on my hand to massage the elements in my hair. From their the shampoo was fuzing together and I was almost done with washing.

“ Do you have conditioner.” I asked

Instead of responding he put the conditioner right where I can see it.

“ Why didn’t you use it?”

“ I didn’t need it.”

He helped me rinse out all of the shampoo as the smells and soaps leaked on to my face.When my hair was fully wet with just water but in the conditioner.

“How long will I have to wait?” I looked at the back of the conditioner bottle    

“ It should be three minutes.”

On the bottle is exactly what he said I applied the shampoo to my roots and worked my way out. By the time I was done applying the codinter it was time to rinse out. When I rinsed out all the conditioner  my hair felt silky and refreshed.

Eric turned off the shower as we were both done washing up and our hair. The new fresh air from the steaming shower was refreshing and blissful. The mirror and windows were foggy. I wrapped my towel around my newly clean body before going out into the hallway to dress in my pajamas.

When I opened the door the hallways was cold and from the hot shower my body appreciated the freezing air. When we got to the room we began to dry off and from there I started putting on my some cargo pajama pants and a tshirt that shaped my upper body perfectly.  Then I looked at the time on the clock. We got in the shower at nine o’clock it was now eleven o’clock. That was two whole hours.

“ Awwh. man.” I said

“ What?” Eric said nonchalantly

“ Look at the time.”

“ Damn. That was a long time just for two people in the shower.”

I laughed at the statement.

I watched him go in his bag and get the blow drier.

Now that we were back in the bathroom he sat in with me and he watched me blow dry my hair.

As I was stretching my hair out from the drier my the brown color in my hair was beginning to make a more vibrant color and a silky texture to it. Even more thick now than before.  I was doing the part in the center of my hair to blow dry my bangs when the lights and electricity went out.


* My type of Letter Story is a story within a story
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